September 2020

The urgency regarding the Philippines was adopted by 626 votes in favour, 7 against and 52 abstentions - a broad majority across all political parties.
My report on arms export has been adopted: On Wednesday, it was approved by the European Parliament - weeks and month of fierce negotiations have finally paid off! But what is this report all about?
The Qatar government has finally abolished a system of labor market laws that threatened the basic human rights of migrant workers for decades. Together with MEP Maria Arena I issued a statement.
Women are still in short supply in foreign and security policy, especially in management positions. In a commentary for the magazine "Internationale Politik" I wrote about the urgency of a feminist EU foreign policy.
Unser Antrag für ein europäisches Berlin wurde im kleinen Parteitag am 26.08. angenommen - mehr dazu hier!
Last Saturday, a mixture of Reich citizens, anti-vaccination activists and Nazis demonstrated in Berlin against the government's corona policy. I was there as an observer and shared my impressions on Twitter.
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